Transfer Payment Demo
Use credentials provided: username: user_good password: pass_good verification code: 123456. Note: When linking with First Platypus Bank, you can bypass entering any data as it is not checked by Plaid Link.
Once on the products page, add them to your cart.
Click on the Cart at the top right corner after adding your products. This will open up a sliding panel with your cart details. Click 'Check Out' to proceed with the final step.
Check your final amount and click 'Pay Now' to make the payment.
If the payment goes through, a success screen will load with all the details, and the cart will empty itself.
If the payment fails, an error screen will load. This is likely if you try to make a payment greater than the balance in your active account.
Since we are using Plaid's Sandbox, no real transaction is made. Hence, the balance is not updated as well. When running in production environment, data is updated.